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Mar 2023 / Pesach 5783

Welcome to this brilliant, 7-language issue of Jewish Fiction .net! Here you’ll find 12 terrific stories, originally written in Danish, Polish, Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and English, and – for the first time – Albanian! This issue also includes an Agnon story that has never before been published in English (“Women’s Wisdom”) and, in honour of the upcoming holiday, a Pesach story (“The Haggadah of the Chinese Jews”).

As we contemplate the meaning of freedom this year in the context of the worrying strife in Israel, we hope that this new issue of Jewish Fiction .net will be thought-provoking and pleasurable for you and that it will enrich your celebration of this Festival of Freedom. Wishing you and yours a joyful and meaningful Pesach,

Chag sameach v’kasher! from all of us at

Jewish Fiction .net


Women’s Wisdom

by Shmuel Yosef Agnon

Things Disappear

by Nina Foighel

Frozen Spring – Jerusalem Returning

by Entela Kasi


by Maciej Płaza

The Jewish Stone

by David Shrayer-Petrov


by Ela Moskovits-Weiss

The Lake of Galilee

by Ephrat Huss


by Ber Kotlerman

Bubbie’s Ḥalushkas

by Elliott B. Oppenheim

The Haggadah of the Chinese Jews

by Ida Shear

Crumbs of Hope

by Mark Russ

The Origin of Migraines

by Maurice Krystal