These pages include stories that are subscriber-only.
Browse by Theme Browse by Original Language Browse by Author Browse by IssueWelcome to this splendid, 8-language issue of Jewish Fiction .net! Here you’ll find 11 wonderful stories, originally written in Polish, Russian, Ladino, French, Hebrew, Yiddish, English, and for the first time… (drum roll)… Dutch! This brings to 20 the number of languages from which Jewish Fiction .net has published translations.
And speaking of translations, only one more month till our book of stories from Jewish Fiction .net comes out! 18: Jewish Stories Translated From 18 Languages is the first book of its kind in 25 years, and it has already received glowing advance reviews from Publishers Weekly, Cynthia Ozick, Dara Horn, Josh Henkin, Adam Rovner, and Joseph Kertes. You can pre-order your copy here.
We hope this issue of Jewish Fiction .net brings you pleasure, new ideas, and an enhanced connection with our multilingual people. To you and your loved ones we wish good health, joy, and many blessings in the coming year. Shana tova and gmar hatima tova from all of us at
Jewish Fiction .net