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Apr 2012 / Pesach 5772

Welcome to this exciting new issue of Jewish Fiction .net! In just a few days it will be Pesach, a holiday when we are commanded to “tell the story.” So with great pleasure and pride we offer you 14 outstanding stories, originally written in Turkish, Croatian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and English (with three in the last category by Canadians). In honour of Pesach, we include a story about a seder and a spiritual journey (“A California Seder”), as well as 13 powerful stories about various kinds of journeys and searches for freedom.

Enjoy these terrific stories! Read them before, during, and/or after your seder! Share them with family and friends. Visit us on twitter and facebook. And to you and your loved ones, a very Happy Pesach!

Jewish Fiction .net


The Red Flag

by Abraham Karpinovitch


by Jasminka Domaš

Where Were You When Darkness Fell

by Mario Levi

The Keys

by Miryam Sivan

The Attempted Destruction of Herr Neumann

by Ezra Olman

The Flag

by Sidura Ludwig

City of Gold

by Michael Burger

The Ravens

by Avirama Golan

The Mastersinger from Minsk

by Morley Torgov

Moyshe from Modvelt

by Roberta Newman

A California Seder

by John Susman

Do Not Strike the Wall

by Mira Magen


by Menachem Kaiser

Sons of the Desert

by Daniel Kason