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Animals and Humans

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Animals and Humans

by Lili Berger Published in Issue #18 Translated from Yiddish by Frieda Johles Forman and Sylvia Segal Lustgarten
AgingHolocaustRighteous Gentiles
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And a wolf shall dwell with a lamb,
And a leopard shall lie down with a kid;
And a calf and a young lion and a fatling together;
And a little child shall lead them.

 Isaiah, 11, 6 (Trans by Yehoyesh in Yiddish text)

“Can you come for a visit this evening? Come over. We’ll talk and you’ll meet my friends.”
I was so glad to receive her invitation; I had long wanted to get closer to Maria Vigda. I’d heard about her: a zoologist who had written several books and had helped Jews during the Occupation. I was pleased to have met her while on my vacation, even more pleased to be invited to her home. There I would meet new people, and Maria Vigda’s friends were not just anybody.
I began preparing for my visit in the afternoon. I have a rule, no exceptions, that on vacations I shed all my city clothes and jewellery. However, visiting Maria Vigda and meeting new people was another matter altogether; anybody who’s anybody would probably be there.
I gave up my rest hour and soon after lunch I was off to the hairdresser, wasting three hours. Afterwards, I examined my vacation wardrobe over and over and began to regret that I hadn’t brought a decent evening dress. How could I go on such a visit and meet new people in a traveling suit, or in slacks? No choice, I slipped on a light summery dress and got going. As if in spite,...

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