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Crossing A River Twice

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Crossing A River Twice

by Yoav Avni Published in Issue #18 Translated from Hebrew by Tom Atkins
(Excerpt from a Novel)
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The storm had lost some of its power. The rain, pouring down in unusual amounts since Thursday, had calmed down, and the sun, which recently was a pale shadow of itself, peeked from behind the clouds, as curious and wary as if it had found that a cold-hearted burglar had invaded its world in its absence, turned it upside-down and left mud and puddles everywhere. Itamar turned the space heater on, pressed his palms together, and blew on them before turning to the computer to startworking.
He was basically hard-working, a trait that for some reason the quiet investigation agency brought out. Leisure, he had realized for some time, feeds action in the same way that oxygen feeds fire and water feeds life. To work, then. The novice graphic designer who had built the agency’s website (Tshuva, the owner of the investigation office, had allowed only a miniscule budget for this) was horrified when she found out last weekend that the images she’d used weren’t copyright free, and his mailbox was overflowing with original replacements. Itamar noticed theirony.
So instead of the binoculars that adorned the homepage, he now placed the handgun she’d sent, and on the other page – “Who Are We,” “Personal Investigations,” “Financial Inquiries” etc. – he placed the other new images: sunglasses, a surveillance camera, the scales of justice, a magnifying glass, and a fingerprint. He also found a redundant double space on “Who is a private investigator?” and fixed a broken link on “Contact Us.”
Pleased with his...

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