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The Ghost in the Desk

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The Ghost in the Desk

by Natan Zach Published in Issue #3 Translated from Hebrew by Evan Fallenberg
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 Ladies and gentlemen, dear readers, believe it or not, a ghost set its sights on my writing desk. Even now, with the affair behind me, my hand still trembles as I write such a sentence. If it is thus now, the ghost no longer present, imagine how awful my situation was when it was still cohabitating with me. A holy fright.

            At first, I did not take its existence seriously, just as you are still convinced I am toying with you: spirits in his desk or in his drinking glass?  Or, as is his wont, he will pull a snake from the hat into which he has only just placed a bird’s egg. With him, anything is possible.
            When did I become aware, and how did I come to discover that this ghost – the sort that usually inhabits only ancient castles – was dwelling inside my writing desk? Indeed, it is truly best that I recount the story comme il faut and in an orderly manner.
            First and foremost it is incumbent upon me to admit, with all the unpleasantness involved in such a confession, that I purchased this secretary myself in a distant land. In fact, not only did I purchase it, I paid a considerable sum of money without even negotiating the price with the seller. It was that dear to me.
            As its emptor (a delectable word one rarely hears in English these days), and after having installed the desk in my home, naturally, with the aide of a porter, I still had no inkling of what was in store for me. In other words, even...

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