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Thus Saieth the Angel of the Lord

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Thus Saieth the Angel of the Lord

by Marc Simon Published in Issue #11
The Binding of Isaac
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So one day, a day pretty much like any other day, I am admiring the beauty of creation from afar when I get this summons from The Lord Himself. He has to see me, immediately.
Oh, first I should identify myself. Hello, I am The Angel of the Lord. I am what you might term God’s right hand angel, His number one seraph.
So I go to Him, and let me tell you, I’ve never seen Him quite so upset, not even back in the days of the Garden of Eden, when all the trouble began. I say, “Lord, you look a little perturbed. What’s going on?”
He comes right out with it, which is His way. He tells me He’s recently given a divine directive to His faithful servant, Abraham.
I say, “And?”
I wait and watch weather from above the Earth. You can’t rush The Lord, ever. Besides, it’s wonderful to bask in His presence, no matter what His mood. Finally, He tells me the whole story and, quite frankly, I cannot believe what I’m hearing. Rather than recite the entire God/Abraham conversation line for line as He conveyed it to me, let me quote the part that has Him so upset:
[The Lord, to Abraham]: Take thy son {Isaac}, thine only son whom thou lovest, and get thee to the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains I will tell thee of.
I say, “Wait—what?”
He looks kind of sheepish.
I have to admit, at this point I’m a...

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