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Who Passed Whom

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Who Passed Whom

by Benjamin Guggenheim Published in Issue #36
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Motive. Well, we had no shortage of that. Two hundred and ten years of all the worst crimes you could possibly imagine. To us, to our fathers, and their fathers before them. Stripped of our freedom, our god, and our children. It was only a matter of time.

Means. This was a little more complicated. We couldn’t just stroll up and kill anybody, at least most of us couldn’t. Most of us were in construction, or materials for construction. They kept us away from their houses, and coming anywhere near their families would have raised a whole host of red flags. At least, for most of us. See, some of us were domestics – chambermaids, housemaids, cooks, cleaners, butlers, and the like. And this group could get as close as they liked without anyone saying anything. Even once the whole thing had started, it never even occurred to them that those they had relied on all their lives would suddenly be dangerous. So it was this group that was chosen. I was one of them.

Alibi. This was the hardest, but we still figured it out. If anyone asked, we’d been in our houses the whole night, doing the ritual and eating the meat, just like anyone else. And we could prove it, too. A small splotch of blood on the doorpost  part of the ritual, we told them. A splotch that would have been disturbed if the door had been opened after we had put it up early in the night. They’d see that the blood...

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